Saturday, July 21, 2018

Grocery & Sewing

Shopping and Sewing

It has been awhile since I have went grocery shopping so I started my day out with a quick trip to the store.  Seventy dollars later I returned home with a plan and hope to get back on track with my weight loss.

Here is what I ate today

 Two eggs scrambled
 1 slice sourdough bread

Flour Tortilla
Tuna Salad
1 oz cheddar cheese
1 oz potato chips

Corn on the cob
1 cup Cilantro lime rice
Honey Sriracha Salmon 
Here is a link to the recipe I used for the salmon.

I can also say my entire days calorie intake was 1,257 according to my fitness pal.  I still have 343 calories I could use for the day.  I  am not hungry, so why use them?

I was not very active today, although I did sew on a custom T shirt quilt order with my cousin Melissa. I will be sure to post a picture when we are done with it.  Sewing, knitting and creating in general make me a happy girl the down side is all the sitting involved in doing what makes me happy.  I have to come up with ideas to keep me moving on days that I craft.

I did weigh myself this morning and must say I am embarrassed at how much I weigh 316.4.  So there it is, I will not be getting back on the scale again until next Saturday when I will be sure to give you an update on my progress.

Any positive and encouraging comments are welcome. 

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