Sunday, July 22, 2018

Dreary Day

Dreary Day

Today was another dreary day here in Happy Valley, but I made the most of it.  I got to two small walks in with my fur baby. (Cheenee)
She is always happy to go for a walk and make sure all is right in her neighborhood and to be honest I like having her company.

Once again my cousin Melissa came over and we worked on yet another custom T-shirt quilt.  I promise I will post pictures of both quilts we have worked on this weekend when they are complete.  I am hoping to keep up on with the creating along with staying focused on my weight loss journey this week coming up.

I managed to stay under my calorie intake 1336 today.  Here is what was on my plate.

2 Sourdough Pancake
1/4 c sugar free syrup

Flour tortilla
Tuna Salad
1 oz cheese

2 oz noodles
Spaghetti Sauce that I added zucchini, spinach, bell pepper, & meat

Mo (my husband) and I may have a sweet treat tonight but I am going to make sure I stay within my calorie range.

Any positive comments and encouragement is welcome. 

Bye for now.

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