Monday, July 23, 2018

Busy Day In The Kitchen

Busy Day In The Kitchen

I woke up this morning with plans to make peach jelly.  After making breakfast and getting dinner started, I cleaned up the mess that was created in the kitchen and ran to the store to get the items that I was missing to make the jelly.  Got back home and heard knocking at the front door and received a call from my mom telling me she would be here soon. The knock turned out to be a neighbor (Rebecca) whom I planned on taking a walk with before starting on the jelly but due to rain we decided not to go so I invited her in for a cup of tea.  Seconds later my mom comes in the door with her hands full with everything to make our home canned corn relish and promptly told me that we would make that before I started my jelly.  Well lets just say this totally threw me off.  However, I am happy to say it is all done.

I did manage to hop on the treadmill and go for a 40 minute walk today.  Yeah me!   I have a long way to go to get back in shape and going to take it one day at a time. On a good note I may have a new exercise buddy.

Here is what was on my plate for the day for a total of 1323 calories.

2 slices sourdough bread toasted
1 tsp mango jelly

flour tortilla
3 oz lunch meat
1 oz cheese
1 oz potato chips

1 cup rice
Honey Garlic Chicken
1 cup broccoli

All in all I had a very productive day and am pleased with all that was accomplished.

Any positive comments and encouragement is welcome.

Bye for now.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Dreary Day

Dreary Day

Today was another dreary day here in Happy Valley, but I made the most of it.  I got to two small walks in with my fur baby. (Cheenee)
She is always happy to go for a walk and make sure all is right in her neighborhood and to be honest I like having her company.

Once again my cousin Melissa came over and we worked on yet another custom T-shirt quilt.  I promise I will post pictures of both quilts we have worked on this weekend when they are complete.  I am hoping to keep up on with the creating along with staying focused on my weight loss journey this week coming up.

I managed to stay under my calorie intake 1336 today.  Here is what was on my plate.

2 Sourdough Pancake
1/4 c sugar free syrup

Flour tortilla
Tuna Salad
1 oz cheese

2 oz noodles
Spaghetti Sauce that I added zucchini, spinach, bell pepper, & meat

Mo (my husband) and I may have a sweet treat tonight but I am going to make sure I stay within my calorie range.

Any positive comments and encouragement is welcome. 

Bye for now.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Grocery & Sewing

Shopping and Sewing

It has been awhile since I have went grocery shopping so I started my day out with a quick trip to the store.  Seventy dollars later I returned home with a plan and hope to get back on track with my weight loss.

Here is what I ate today

 Two eggs scrambled
 1 slice sourdough bread

Flour Tortilla
Tuna Salad
1 oz cheddar cheese
1 oz potato chips

Corn on the cob
1 cup Cilantro lime rice
Honey Sriracha Salmon 
Here is a link to the recipe I used for the salmon.

I can also say my entire days calorie intake was 1,257 according to my fitness pal.  I still have 343 calories I could use for the day.  I  am not hungry, so why use them?

I was not very active today, although I did sew on a custom T shirt quilt order with my cousin Melissa. I will be sure to post a picture when we are done with it.  Sewing, knitting and creating in general make me a happy girl the down side is all the sitting involved in doing what makes me happy.  I have to come up with ideas to keep me moving on days that I craft.

I did weigh myself this morning and must say I am embarrassed at how much I weigh 316.4.  So there it is, I will not be getting back on the scale again until next Saturday when I will be sure to give you an update on my progress.

Any positive and encouraging comments are welcome. 

Friday, July 20, 2018

Can Not Quit

Can Not Quit

So much has changed since I have last posted. I'm older, my body tells me what I can and can't do,  basically that thing called life has been happening to me however, one thing remains the same I am still FAT.

I can not quit trying to lose weight because the moment I do my life will be over. I have been struggling with exercise due to my knee and really have no get up and go lately. It's time to stop feeling bad for myself and get up and move.  

So I am reaching out for support.  I will post pictures, (food, exercise, adventures, and more) tell you my starting weight, and share other changes I am making in my journey..  

Hang in there with me.