Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Family Reunion

Family Reunion

Every year in August, I make a covered dish and my husband & I go to Whipples Dam State Park for our annual family reunion. This year the reunion was my first hurdle I had to clear on this journey to change my life and lose weight. I jolted out of bed on the day of the reunion thinking I had over slept and I would not have the time to exercise, make my casserole, and get ready. Feelings of dread came across me only to be swept away after glantzing at the alarm clock and realizing I had plenty of time to do all the above and more. We arrive at the reunion where fun was to be had but first we say grace and I grab a plate and head toward the buffet table and this is what I see.

The vegetarian in me had no problem passing up any of the dishes that had meat in them and I proceeded to make the best decisions about what to eat for myself. Looking at my plate with the food on it I thought to myself there is no way I can point this out and I was thankful for all the extra points I earned from my 30 day challenge for the week.

Back at home that evening when dinner time came around, telling myself I should not eat anything to make up for the unknown points value at lunch put me on a straight path to the refrigerator. One generously packed cheese sandwich and a big bowl of watermelon later I so badly wanted ice cream. This is when I had a ah ha moment for the day and realized my weigh in at Weight Watchers was the next day and why ruin my entire weeks work on this one day. So I went to bed..

Here is my latest results:

Weight: 285.4
BMI: 44.9
30 Day Challenge: 16 down 14 to go

Looking back on the week I not only managed to clear a hurdle. I came to realize that I don't have to punish myself for the unknown and the important thing is to remember to get right back on my journey for the better me.

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