Thursday, September 12, 2013

Crazy Busy

Things have been crazy busy the last few weeks.  Starting with our annual tenting experience at the Grange Fair and coming down with a cold that just won't end.  Then off to Reading, Pa to celebrate my sister-in-laws birthday.  Since returning home to I have been canning tomatoes, peaches, relish, chili and with green beans on the agenda for today I am well on my way to a nicely stocked pantry for the winter.  Oh, I forgot I am still working and in my spare time painting the trim in our sun room.

I have had little to no time to knit lately and I am missing the peaceful zen that I get from it when I do. My diet and exercise have also been lacking and I feel the energy draining from my body daily. So with much regret tomorrow morning I am going to face the scale at weight watchers.  Restart my exercise program, choose healthier food choices and make time for me to sit down and knit. Knowing that the end results with be a happier & more energetic me.

Till next week....

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