Friday, September 13, 2013

Can Do Attitude

This morning at my Weight Watchers meeting I had an epiphany. I need a can do attitude.
Having jumped onto the weight loss journey many times in my life I never have completely had the right mind set.  When I step back and think about it this journey is like knitting.  How does my knitting fit into to this?  Well for years I have wanted to knit socks but was afraid to try because I thought I would fail.  Recently I thought to myself  how will I know if I don't try so I picked up my needles and started to knit and here is what I ended up with.
With my journey I have to remember like knitting that these socks didn't just appear.  I made them one stitch at a time just like I will have to lose one pound at a time to reach my goal.  So here I go with my CAN DO attitude.

Till next time....

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Crazy Busy

Things have been crazy busy the last few weeks.  Starting with our annual tenting experience at the Grange Fair and coming down with a cold that just won't end.  Then off to Reading, Pa to celebrate my sister-in-laws birthday.  Since returning home to I have been canning tomatoes, peaches, relish, chili and with green beans on the agenda for today I am well on my way to a nicely stocked pantry for the winter.  Oh, I forgot I am still working and in my spare time painting the trim in our sun room.

I have had little to no time to knit lately and I am missing the peaceful zen that I get from it when I do. My diet and exercise have also been lacking and I feel the energy draining from my body daily. So with much regret tomorrow morning I am going to face the scale at weight watchers.  Restart my exercise program, choose healthier food choices and make time for me to sit down and knit. Knowing that the end results with be a happier & more energetic me.

Till next week....

Friday, August 23, 2013

1/2 Done

What could I possibly mean by 1/2 done?
Answer:  This week I managed to track my food about half of the time, we got half way done painting the trim work in the sun room, and I knitted 1/2 of a pair of socks.

The only thing I managed to do completely is exercise 30 minutes daily.

I am going to kick back and enjoy the Grange Fair this upcoming week.  Don't worry I'm going to stay focused and remember what I am working towards.

I recently dusted off my Weight Watcher Active Link now all I have to do is remember to wear it.  So my new goal for next week:
1. Use the Active Link. This should be fun to track because I will be able to see how many points I earn.
2. Walk at least 30 minutes Daily.  With the Fair and the Treadmill this is a breeze.
3. Journal my food.  If at first you don't succeed try try try again.

I'll have lots to share next week so till then be Happy.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Another Week

Another week has went by and I didn't even journal one bite of food that I ate last week.  What I did do

  1. Canned 3o pints of corn for the winter. (I'm a proud new owner of a pressure canner and can't wait to get stocking up on soups and other things I could not can before.)
  2. Helped my husband start to paint our sun room.
  3. Oh, we also went shopping to buy a new table for in the sun room and ended up buying a new sofa and 2 chairs.  (Now we want to paint our living room before the new furniture arrives.  I just have to put in on record that I hate painting and I'm not looking forward to doing it at all.  I will be sure to post before and after pictures for all to see as we go along.)

I did not go to Weight Watchers this week because I just can't face stepping on the scale and being up and feeling like a failure.  

On a good note I did get up this morning and walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes.  I am going to try to make this a daily event.  So I lead off into another week with ambitions to journal my food and walk at least 30 minutes daily on the treadmill.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Take 2

It sure has been a long time since I've last posted.  Well everything remains the same.  I'm still overweight and wanting to make a change.  Even movie stars don't always get it right on the first shoot so here it is my "Take 2".
This is it for me from here on out small changes to reach a smaller me.
My first goal is to journal all my food for a week.  So here I go and see you in a week with my next goal and first weigh in report.