Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat

Something spooky is going to happen outside this evening. The sidewalks will be full of ghosts, goblins, witches, and many other characters who will be ringing doorbells all over town.

As a child I loved the excitement of Halloween and dressing up from wearing my pj's with the slipper feet and a matching hat with bunny ears sewn on too wearing my dad's over sized flannel shirt and tying a bandana to a stick. The possibilities were limitless with what I could be this one night of the year. Now that I'm older, I look forward to seeing the scary Halloween specials & movies on television and playing a good trick on unexpected victims all in the spirit of fun.

I have avoided buying Halloween candy until the last minute this year. On my home from work today I will be stopping at the store for the candy to give out tonight. I have to be honest and say that I love chocolate and by doing my shopping last minute is my attempt to avoid any unwanted calorie consumption.

I will not be going to Weight Watcher tonight due to Trick or Treat however I will post my results from last week.

Weight: 278.2 lbs
BMI: 43.6
98 lbs until adoption process begins
C25K: Not happening at this time.

Don't panic I know my weight was up and it will come back down. Nothing is going to keep me from my goal.

Till next week...

Monday, October 24, 2011



Oops I slipped. For the past three weeks I have not been keeping a food journal, exercising or eating healthy and it has affected me in more than one way. I have noticed my energy level is pretty much none existent and my mood has went from my happy go lucky self to blah.

Okay, Mo & I are not the McDonalds Monopoly winners. With the hopes of winning the ultimate prize of $1,000,000, I ate a large french fry about 4 times a week for the past few weeks. I don't even want to think about the amount of calories or grams of fat that I consumed now. I only want to concentrate on what I learned from this little game that McDonalds likes to play. Which is nothing comes that easy. Applying this lesson to my journey I now realize that I have to work really hard to reach my goal. From this day forward I vow that Mo or I will never eat at McDonalds again. We don't like to eat out and would much rather enjoy a good home cooked meal anyway.

This evening I will be attending Weight Watchers and facing the scale. I'm not going to like what the scale is going to say but I'm going to face it and continue on in my journey.

With the craziness of the the upcoming week I will be reporting my results on the scale on my next post.

Until next week...

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Once a year my brother returns to Central PA with his
family and a group friends from Central Florida. For the past five years the sound of an air pump, pumping up air mattresses has been the official start to homecoming weekend at our home. After everyone is settled in and has a place to call home for the weekend the fun begins.

Starting off with my parents annual garage party Friday evening. Then Saturday we had an early morning wake up to finish preparing food for the tailgate and the quick trip to the Beaver stadium. Once we reach the stadium and set up our tailgate it was not uncommon to hear
WE ARE...PENN STATE chiming through the air.

This year I was not feeling the best and not wanting to let Mo
down by going home to watch the game after tailgating
I added more layers and we made our way to our seats.
Sitting there amongst 100,000+ people I fellasleep by the second quarter of the game. After, I was jolted awake by a gust of wind we enjoyed the halftime show and the remainder of the game on the edge of our seats cheering
on to a victory.

As quick as everyone came they start leaving on Sunday to return home and back to their normal lives. Then enters Cheenee who searches for everyone going from room to room with that sad puppy dog look of
Where did everyone go?
With the excitement of the weekend behind us we start looking forward to next year and seeing everyone again.

My weight loss journey definitely hit a mountain the past couple of weeks with preparing for our company and not feeling well. I did not go to Weight Watchers or exercise as much as I would have liked. I have no result for on my journey this week but I plan on getting back on track and look forward to reporting my results on my next post.

Until next week....

Monday, October 10, 2011

Hidden Treasures

Hidden Treasures

On a typical Sunday morning I find myself getting out of bed 2 hours earlier than Mo. Why, to drive to the neighborhood convenient store and buy the Sunday paper. The extra bonus is I also use this little trip to give another love in my life a car ride.

It's not like I really read the paper well maybe the comics and my horoscope, but when I return home I find myself going through all the pages with gusto just looking for hidden treasures. What are these treasures you might ask, well to most people they are known as coupons. When the smell of fresh brewed coffee finally does it's job waking up Mo he comes to greet me and the mess I created while cutting out and sorting my coupons. At this time he doesn't really say anything but I know he's probably thinking is this really worth your time. I then start going through the store flyer's to see if I can match the coupons to anything the store may have on sale and I start my shopping list.

When I return home from my trip to the grocery store Mo is always there to help me carry everything into the house. He never asks how much did you spend, but he does ask "How much did you save?" This is when I proudly tell him how much the bill was before the coupons and then what I paid. I always get a "Good job Honey." from him at this point. I am not what you would call an extreme couponer but I will say I have been able to cut my shopping bills in half.

Here is a good resource site for more information on couponing:

Stumbling through yet another week of this journey is what you might say I have done this past week. I have been getting discouraged because I see how far I have yet to go to reach 180 lbs. I need to start focusing on smaller goals and not let the little weight losses of lately get me down. At least it's going down and I'm not gaining should be on the forefront of my mind but at this time it's not. So for all of you out there reading this some words of encouragement are greatly needed.

I will be unable to attend a Weight Watchers meeting this week due to being extra busy. So my results will remain the same for this week however, I do plan on starting the C25K plan on Wednesday morning again.

Till next week...

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Emotional Eating

Emotional Eating

Depression, boredom & stress are just some of the emotions that have triggered me to eat unnecessarily. I have been blaming my extra pounds on how I have been treated by others and how stressful life is at certain times. The realization is that I have turned to food for comfort and this comfort is only temporary. Making me feel good for about five minutes then badly after I realize what I have done to myself.

This week I have had a break through with emotional eating and I am proud of myself for not turning to food. Without going into details, being in an interracial marriage has many challenges and many of my challenges are not with my husband but with his family. I have recently discovered another blog that really hits home. Mo was reading it last night and got freaked out with how similar our lives are.

Check it out:

I started the week planning to gain a little. Discouraged with the .5 & .6 weight losses and thinking maybe I could trick my body to lose with gusto again. I began eating from the basket of chocolate at the office, ice cream sundaes, pizza, tacos, & french fries the basic what not to eats when trying to lose weight. See below for how this worked out for me.

It is finally official canning season is over for me. I finished with the BBQ sauce I mentioned last week. When I got to the point of adding the spicy heat in I called Mo up to the kitchen and he worked his magic. With the end resulting in a slightly sweet & hot smokey flavored sauce making both of us very happy that we took the time to make our own.

Exercise was on my mind and I did manage to walk on the treadmill 3 out of the 7 days last week. My back is feeling much better now and I did try to run some yesterday but there is still a twinge that hurts more when I run. This leads me to believe I need one more week of walking but I am going to increase my time. It has been hard pulling myself out of bed at 6am since it is now dark at that time and there are no birds singing outside my bedroom window to make me want to get up and go. I will have to work on rearranging my schedule to get my exercise time in but it will happen.

Here is the latest results:
Weight: 271.6
BMI: 42.5
C25K: On hold yet another week.
91.6 lbs until the adoption process begins.

Until next week...