Wednesday, January 14, 2015



People always say "Change is Good."  However, let me be the first to say that change can also be hard.

For the past two weeks I have been adjusting to living with my in laws and the Weight Watcher program.  I am doing great on my weight loss journey so far in the first two weeks of I have lost 7.2 pounds.  Yeah me!

Now on the home front that has been the hardest change.  I can not explain how hard it is to sit down at the dinner table and the conversation be in a different language that you totally do not understand. The problem is they don't even notice they are excluding me.  Then when the language you do understand is spoken it is the same conversation about food that you have heard the night before and the night before and the night before and the night before and so on.  So is it a blessing that I can't understand them?  Probably!

Then comes how differently their timing is.  I get up around 6 am and have breakfast.  They get up around 11:30 am and have breakfast.  I eat lunch around noon.  They eat lunch around 2:30 pm.  I like to have dinner by around 6 pm.  They like to have dinner around 9 pm.  This is a problem!
I keep telling my husband we can't get sucked into their schedule but it happens it drives me nuts when it does.

So I go forward into another week and will keep trying to adjust...