The Hubby
Finally Mo & I are exercising together. I personally have waited for years for this to happen and now I'm very happy that I have some company with my exercising & pain. With our weight bench that looks like it comes from the dark ages, treadmill, medicine ball, step and weights we are off to a good start with our home gym.
Our first official workout was two days ago. Knowing my husband the way I do I looked at the weights that he wanted to start off with and just knew that his arms would be hurting so I told him to start off with lighter weights. Ignoring me he continued to lift and he HURTS. Me being the wimp that I am started out with lighter weights and guess what no pain just tiredness. Well it just goes to show that men don't want to listen to women and sometimes we do know best.
In my last post I mentioned my quest to find a new recipe that Mo would react to telling me that he really enjoyed it and that I would share it with you. Surprise, I'm still on this quest after trying many new recipes the only reaction that I got was it's okay. So maybe next week.
I don't have any weight results for you this week because we did get the bad weather that was in our forecast last Friday. However, I will have results for you on my next post. Hopefully there will be less of me to report to you.
Until next week...